Tuesday 9 July 2013

Prairies 3

     A small house was sunk into the ground near the edge of an abandoned field by the highway. Strange, how nature could look that way -- deserted and forgotten, unapproachable to the endless scatter of travelers passing by -- all of them asking why these relics were left to erode away, and wondering where the people went.
     The slanted, wooden roof of the sunken house made a peak on the flat field like a stunted mountain desperate to be seen. Or perhaps the house wasn't sinking at all, but poking out from some subterranean world, adding further mystery to the prairies -- offering another reason to step out and explore that laconic land.


  1. The prairies 'series' has striking imagery - very close to the hearts of those who have witnessed this mid-Canadian desert.

    1. I'm happy to hear you say so. The longer I live here, and the more I drive through them the stranger they become. Nowhere near as boring as some people say.

  2. Absolutely agreed. It took me traveling far away where the skies were small to appreciate the mystery of the prairies
